
Showing posts from July, 2018

Setting the Record Straight - Shakespeare was Catholic ? Oh No ! 7/28/18

If it wasn’t displeasing enough to our British friends that so much of their “English Literature” was written by the Irish, now it turns out that Shakespeare was a Catholic ! Well…maybe very very probably a Catholic. There is a lot of evidence. Listen to a bit of it. There is also an interview with the brilliant Joseph Pearce who has written several books on this subject.

Setting the Record Straight - Attila The Hun’s Shocking Vision - 7/21/18

Attila The Hun’s Shocking Vision. Unbelievable things do happen. Attila The Hun was a savage and merciless marauder, a tyrant that ruled a tribal empire. During his reign, he was one of the most feared enemies of the Roman Empire, What do you think would probably happen when Attila invaded Rome and faced off against Saint Pope Leo I? You might be surprised. Listen to an astounding eyewitness account of a face to face confrontation that changed the course of history.

Setting the Record Straight - After Thoughts On Being Shipwrecked - 7/9/18

Castaways, Castaways, Castaways All ! We have been marooned by the retreating tide of Christianity. Our country cannot survive long without its culture. Our culture cannot survive long without its cult…its Christianity. Like the novel Robinson Crusoe we have been edited into a secular version of ourselves. A culture that has been deliberately secularized has been eviscerated.

Setting the Record Straight - Shipwrecked with Robinson Crusoe - 6/30/18

Rewritten and changed into something else! Even inverted ! The novel “Robinson Crusoe” has been the repeated victim of the literary crime of secularization of a great Christian novel. Before the end of 1719, the book had already run through four editions, and it has gone on to become one of the most widely published books in history. The original is a powerful story of conversion and redemption. It has been often adapted for movies usually in sadly distorted form. Listen to the eye-opening truth of what happened to “Robinson Crusoe”.