
Showing posts from August, 2018

Setting the Record Straight - Secular Madness vs. The Sacred - 8/25/18

History may not repeat itself but it does rhyme. The dilemma of our decomposing culture and our shattered society today is being fueled by ideologies very similar to the mass insanity that infected the French culture in the zany 1700s. You cannot ignore the past because it isn’t even over.

Setting the Record Straight - Ol’Time Religion - 8/18/18

She is on her way back. Gaia the earth goddess has many followers of late. But Gaia has another face, a terrifying one. Romantic fantasies about primitive religions are common. One fantasy is thinking there is a benefit from merging all religions. This arises in part because what is commonly believed about various tribal religions is false. There is a false belief in the superiority of the exotic. The concept of the Noble savage is not just false , it is much worse that false. It is a damaging superstition.

Setting the Record Straight - How is it for Catholics in Communist China? - 8/11/18

Persecution of Catholicism and other religions continues in China. The severity of it is seldom reported accurately by our major news outlets. The record must be known. Listen to the astounding story of Chinese Bishop Ignatius Kung’s mighty faith. He endured a life sentence for his faithfulness to the chair of Peter. Listen to the words Bishop Kung shouted as he stood before a large stadium of Chinese people who had come to see him ridiculed and confessing his betrayal of the People’s Republic of China. Listen to his sermon spoken at the end of his life. It was directed to you and me.