
Showing posts from May, 2019

Setting the Record Straight - How Catholic Art Saved The Faith

Unique and stupendous! No product of any other culture approaches the magnificent beauty and fecundity of the tidal wave of Catholic Art that began in the Church’s so-called “Counter Reformation”. The phenomenon occurred in every art form. Elizabeth Lev has just published a delicious book about this that is briefly reviewed here. This review leads into proposing a vision of what we will do in a heaven that is creative and fun. Finally there is a statement from Jordan Peterson about Catholicism that cannot be missed.

Setting the Record Straight - What is the “West” ?

Vanished ! A thousand years ago there was a magnificent town. It clustered around the world’s largest basilica. It was the most advanced center of art and science on earth, and was carefully administered with sublime orderliness. Knowledgeable historians agree that our modern world began there on one particular day. There the “West” was founded. Now only a ruined tower stands alone. Much of the best ideas that formed our nation is were conceived and made real there. Like lost Camelot, not even a drawing of it can be found. Atheistic iconoclasts, once again, did a thorough job of destroying the inspired, lovely, and complex works of Catholics. Now few care that even the last insubstantial memories of it have begun to vanish.

Setting the Record Straight - Adventures Of The Blackrobes

“Saving souls” was the bold way Catholics used to casually refer to evangelizing. Christ commissioned us all to perform this laborious and dangerous endeavor. The courageous among us have obeyed Him. Listen to a brief sample of these amazing reports, called Jesuit Relations, that record the adventures of the brilliant and Indomitable French Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. The reports were published every year and were always best sellers in France.