
Showing posts from September, 2018

Setting the Record Straight - What Are The Secret Archives Of The Vatican? - 9/29/18

There is lots of juicy gossip about the “Secret Archives” of the Vatican. Do they exist? If they do exist what scandalous stories are being concealed by the Catholic Church in these hidden archives? Who gets to see them? Do responsible historians have access? Maybe this is one more coverup by the Catholic hierarchy. Listen to a rambling reflection on this subject. This is Part 1. A following Podcast will reveal some surprises about what is stored in the Vatican.

Setting the Record Straight - To Those That Would Leave The Catholic Church - Part 2

Setting the Record Straight - To Those That Would Leave The Catholic Church - 9/15/18

Those that would leave the Catholic Church because of the current abuse scandal should consider that, in a way, their souls are also their children. Ideally our souls and our children live on after our deaths. What would our child-soul’s future life be like after being denied the sacraments? Even a sinful priest coveys valid sacraments. One cannot leave the priests and yet retain access to God’s real gift of the sacraments of the Catholic Church. This a an urgent message to those that feel like leaving the Catholic Church because of the current abuse scandal and coverup. Going beyond that message this two part podcast uses forgotten history to explain how such sinful acts could occur. This is not a defense. It is a dissection, an brief attempt to use authentic but. largely unknown history to reveal some of the root causes for these sins that have marred the reputation if the Catholic clergy.

Setting the Record Straight - Quiet and Reverent Catholic Writing - 9/9/18

Enjoy a few quiet moments of listening to these peaceful and reverent bits of writing that reveal the matchless Catholic culture at its most reverent and yet most substantial.. Included are profound thought of Hildegard von Bingen, John Donne the metaphysical poet, the freshness of Saint Patrick breastplate and the unique Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Setting the Record Straight - Explorers-Adventurers-Anthropologits-Missionaries - 9/1/18

A devout Protestant minister just observed to me that the Reformation had the good effect, in the 16th and 17th centuries, of an unprecedented spread of Christianity caused by the flight of persecuted Christians from Europe. They ventured to the New World and other distant regions. Once again the huge achievements of Catholic missionaries before 1500 were unknown by a well-educated Christian. If you want to feel overwhelmed by the straight record, listen to these stories of the early Franciscans, Jesuits, other clergy, and one great Catholic layman. They were giants full of courage, toughness, and profound reverence.