
Showing posts from July, 2019

Setting the Record Straight - The Age Of Illumination vs The Darkening

Light ! The brilliance of God’s grace that illumines our lives reached its peak in the 13th Century. Some call it ”The Greatest Century”, but it should be called “The Age of Illumination”. The most apt symbol of the 13th century is the ingenious Basilica of Saint-Denis which was created by Abbot Suger to open the inner space to streams of sunlight. Following the 13th Century was the hyper-rational era called “The Enlightenment”. It should be called “The Darkening”. “The Darkening” shut out God’s guiding light and has led civilizations, following mankind’s perverse inclinations, down into one murderous revolution after another. In contrast listen to the magnificent and delightful effects “The Age Of Illumination”. Short stories by Catholic Authors that present a positive image of the Catholic Church

Setting the Record Straight - God’s Beauty and a Fun Heaven

Art has flooded from Catholicdom in greater abundance and unmatched beauty than anything produced in other cultures in any period. One is led to attribute this cornucopia of genius to God the Creator having graced the human species with an extraordinary creativity. An ability that imitates His own; that is the image of His own. A wellspring of God’s beauty gushed forth through God’s human creatures from the earliest days of the Catholic Church. It reach an astounding height as an illuminating positive response to the darkness shadows of the Protestant Reformation. This crest of created beauty continued for four centuries. Is it over? Short stories by Catholic Authors that present a positive image of the Catholic Church.

Setting the Record Straight - The Subtle Lever That Toppled 32 Countries

An Old Civilization vanished. It had been millions of years old, climaxing in the magnificence of Christendom/Catholicdom. In the USA it was replaced by layers of mutually intolerant civilizations called Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, etcetera. Was this just natural “progress”? No. It was the result of a carefully executed cultural project executed in full view. Although many deny its existence, this Culture War succeeds the same way every where, beginning with Bismarck, and continuing with Soviet subversion, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and the Communist takeover of 32 countries after World War Two. The subtle lever of Public Schools and the hoax of Peer Group socialization were inserted under societal foundations toppling countries into a world in which governments became the parents. Short stories by Catholic Authors that present a positive image of the Catholic Church.

Setting the Record Straight - The Hoax Of The Spanish Inquisition

We all know the ghastly story of “The Spanish Inquisition” conducted by a violent Roman Catholic Church. However the story is a lie, a slander, war propaganda, disinformation, in other words a deliberate hoax. The legend of the Grand Inquisitor is so dramatic, delicious, and astonishing that many people think that it has to be true.But there is no data to support it. Fortunately the Dominicans kept complete highly detailed records of the proceedings for 240 years. The actual data reveal that the so-called “Spanish Inquisition” was the most advanced humane and even gentle court in Christendom at the time. Listen and be astonished at how easily fooled we can be by a good lie.

Setting the Record Straight - Hubris: Why We Are About to Fail and Fail !

Civilization is teetering on the edge of a precipice. We have been led there, blindfolded and credulous, by the retreat of humility before hubris. The coincidence of the arrival of the internet, glamorous and efficient, with the simultaneous retreat of a sensible Christian awareness of the flawed nature of mankind is a disaster. We have charged heedlessly into building our most vital systems on the fragile foundation of the easily corruptible internet. After 35 years of creating Information Technology systems Chuck offers his pessimistic analysis based on the typical character of IT professionals. He found that their rampant hubris, charged by the seductive lure of technological novelty, caused them to undervalue the tender humanistic needs for which IT systems were supposed to have been created. He also comments on the similar retreat of humble truth-seeking that has deteriorated contemporary science.